In a spaceflight on Mars. The astronauts discovered a strange and different object from the rest of the earth's creatures!! And they decided to communicate with scientists who specialize in the study of these creatures. And when this creature was sent to them, they continued their research for four years!!! Because the way his body was formed was different and new. But when they studied the materials his body was made of, they found some strange chemicals. And they tried to understand its work, its impact and its importance on this organism. They found that it helps him to adapt quickly to the environment in which he is located. Therefore, they decided to test it on astronauts before traveling, and monitor the results and its effectiveness. Indeed, they found that when the astronauts return to planet Earth, they do not feel muscle atrophy, nor pain in the bones, nor weak vision!!!! It really is a great find! And it really deserves the title of Spac biology Superhero!! Because it is considered to have saved the astronauts.

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